• A Better Way...
  • ...To Innovate Diagnostics...
  • ...And Stop Disease


DNA Logix is the first company to mathematically engineer solutions to DNA testing technologies. Led by Dr. Brent Satterfield, who developed the field of mathematics governing the components in DNA tests, the company uses its mathematical approach to innovate solutions to global health problems. The algorithms allow literally millions of possible diagnostic solutions to be evaluated in a matter of minutes, enabling rapid discovery of new technologies, often with dramatic improvements over the prior art. Applications for high burden developing countries are commercialized through Co-Diagnostics HBDC, Inc (www.codiagnostics.com). DNA Logix uses additional partners for domestic commercialization of technologies that have applications in the developed world as well.

The algorithms developed by Dr. Satterfield have been used previously to create technologies like the Tentacle Probes, which had a 10,000 fold improvement in concentration dependent specificity and up to a 200 times faster rate of reaction than previous probes. Tentacle Probes were acquired by Fluidigm (ticker symbol FLDM). The Rapid Probes, even faster than the Tentacle Probes, were acquired by Co-Diagnostics, Inc.

DNA Logix continues to identify the largest problems in global health and make multiple order of magnitude improvements in the available technology using its innovative mathematical approach.